By using and accessing this website and the URL derived from, you enter into a binding contract with our Company. Your contract with us includes your acceptance of the «Legal Notice» and our «Privacy Policy». If you do not agree with any of the terms, please, we invite you to leave this Website.

The Website and its domain are owned by APOLO AI SYSTEMS AND DEVELOPMENT S.L. (hereinafter referred to as APOLO).

It is the user’s obligation, hereinafter referred to as User, to read this LEGAL NOTICE of the website, considering it valid and therefore applicable. We recommend that the User print and keep a copy of this LEGAL NOTICE to subsequently be aware of it, although this information will always be available on the APOLO website. All conditions can be stored and reproduced by the User through any of the conventional word processors available in the market.

To use and navigate the APOLO website, the User must a) be 16 years of age or older, or be 16 and have parental or guardian consent to these terms, (b) have the capacity to enter into a binding contract with us and no applicable law prohibits it, and (c) be a legal resident in any Country. The User also guarantees that all information provided to APOLO is true, accurate, and complete, and agrees that it is so at all times.


Browsing, accessing, and using the website confers the status of User, by which all the conditions of use established herein are accepted without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legally enforceable regulations as the case may be.

  • The website provides a wide variety of information, services, and data. The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website. This responsibility extends to: The truthfulness and legality of the information provided by the user in the forms issued by APOLO for access to certain contents or services offered by the web.
  • The use of the information, services, and data offered by APOLO contrary to the provisions of these conditions, the Law, morals, good customs, or public order, or that in any other way may infringe the rights of third parties or the operation of the website itself.
  • It is APOLO’s obligation to warn that if the User disagrees with the terms present in this document, the User should refrain from accessing the websites, and therefore HORUS immediately invites you to leave this website if you agree with the aforementioned warning.
  • The User declares himself as a natural or legal person. APOLO declares, and the User acknowledges, that APOLO provides a wide variety of information, services, and data, assuming the User’s responsibility in the correct use of the websites. This responsibility will extend to all those uses and practices carried out by the User within the websites, as well as the use of the information, services, and data offered by APOLO.
  • The websites may host advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the websites complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. APOLO will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy, or irregularity that may contain advertising or sponsor content.
  • APOLO makes every effort to offer the information contained in the websites truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at any time there is an error of this type, completely unintended by APOLO, it would proceed to correct the error as soon as possible and provide the User with the information and options established in the current legislation.
  • APOLO will not be responsible towards the User, as far as: The effectiveness in the connection as well as the speed of access to the websites by the User. Interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns, or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system for reasons beyond APOLO’s control.
  • The information entered by the User and third parties, unrelated to APOLO and with whom no agreement or contractual collaboration is maintained.
  • Those users not residing in Spain with domicile in other countries of the European Union or outside the European Union must ensure that access and use of the web and/or its content are allowed in accordance with their own legislation. In any case, the access and use of the web by a User who does not meet the requirement of residence in Spain will be understood to be carried out under his exclusive responsibility, exonerating APOLO from any responsibility.
  • As a Code of Conduct, the User must comply with all applicable laws. APOLO informs of the behaviors that it does not consider appropriate and of the power it has to act accordingly on those uses, actions, omissions, or dishonest or unprofessional, inappropriate or inaccurate statements, false, threatening, discriminatory for any condition, illegal, injurious, or for other reasons considered reprehensible.


APOLO informs the user that to obtain complete information regarding the data protection policy, they should go to the following link: (Privacy Policy)


The APOLO website redirects to other websites owned by it or third parties. APOLO cannot guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity, or legality of pages outside its ownership that can be accessed through the links.

APOLO declares having adopted all necessary measures to avoid any damage to the Users of its website(s) that could arise from browsing its website(s). Consequently, APOLO is not responsible, in any case, for any possible damages that the User may suffer due to Internet browsing.

APOLO reserves the right to make the appropriate modifications, without prior notice, in the content of its website. Both in terms of the contents of the website and in the LEGAL NOTICE of the same. Such modifications may be made through its website by any form admissible in law and will be binding during the time they are published on the web and until they are validly modified by subsequent ones.


All texts, images, content, logos, trademarks, registered or not, as well as the means and forms of presentation and assembly of the websites, are originally or derivatively owned by APOLO. Consequently, they are works or contents protected as intellectual and/or industrial property by the Spanish legal system in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularizing, clarifying, and harmonizing the legal provisions in force on the matter and by Law 17/2001, of December 7, on Trademarks, being also applicable both the Spanish and community regulations in the aforementioned fields, as well as the international treaties related to the matter and signed by Spain.

All rights to the contents are reserved, expressly prohibiting the reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, and/or any modality of use, of all or part of the contents of the websites without the express consent of APOLO.


APOLO reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the improper use of its website(s) and content, or for the breach of these conditions.

The relationship between the User and the provider will be governed by current regulations and applicable in the Spanish territory. Should any controversy arise, the parties may submit their conflicts to arbitration or resort to ordinary jurisdiction complying with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. APOLO is domiciled in Madrid, Spain.

Contracts concluded electronically in which a consumer is a party are presumed to be concluded at the place where he has his habitual residence. Electronic contracts between businessmen or professionals, in the absence of an agreement between the parties, shall be presumed to be concluded at the place where the service provider is established.

Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which is available at the following link:

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any question related to the services of this portal, will be Spanish law, and the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid will be the competent judicial body to resolve conflicts that may arise between the parties.